Anime Review Roundup

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With MCM Comicon (formerly MCM Expo) just a few weeks away, it seems that all the UK distributors are saving up their news for later. So it’s another week where I go diving straight into the reviews. First up for the week is my review of Mayo Chiki! The Complete Series. When a girl who cross-dresses as a butler at school has her secret revealed it could mean disaster. It turns out to be a disaster for the boy that uncovered the truth, Kinjiro Sakamachi. Subaru Konoe, and her mistress, Kanade Suzutsuki will do whatever it takes to keep that secret, even if it means getting hands on with Kinjiro. His problem is that he’s got an irrational fear of women. It’s a rare comedy that makes me laugh out loud, animated or otherwise, and Mayo Chiki is one rare comedy.

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Then it was the turn of the antonym of rare. There’s so much Dragon Ball Z around these days, the government ought to have a cull. You’d think I’d be getting tired of it by now, and to tell the truth, so did I, but with Dragon Ball Z: Season 7 getting back to basics with comedy and fighting tournaments, I found that I was enjoying it even more than ever. Click on the review to read just why that was.

MVM release Mayo Chiki! The Complete Collection today, and Manga Entertainment do the same for Dragon Ball Z: Season 7.

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