Review for NBA Street Series: Journey to Becoming an All-Star

6 / 10

With NBA seemingly releasing a player-specific disk every month, it almost makes this disk a little redundant. Of the players featured, I believe it is only Gilbert Arenas, Steve Nash, Pau Gasol who I have not recently reviewed with their own disks whereas Kobe Bryant, Dwayne Wade, Kevin Garnett have all been given a full-length disk looking into their career. Because of this, it is a nice look at some players that may not have gotten the spotlight.
Each player is given ten to fifteen minutes of time and this is enough to show you why they are great, but their path to greatness is a little rushed. If the disk had only focused on those without their own disk it would have been better, though I understand the inclusion of these to make the disk more appealing to the mainstream fans.
Extras sadly do not cover all those who are profiled, which is a little odd, with two focusing on Dwayne Wade, two on Kevin Garnett and one on Steve Nash and Kobe Bryant. These little featurettes are nice as an extra bit on their career, but by not covering everyone it just feels a little odd and also makes you well aware of who the actual 'stars' are on the disk.
NBA Street Series: Journey to Becoming an All-Star could have been a great disk, but instead leans towards the average territory. However, for new fans of basketball or those who may not know as much as they may like, this would be a great introduction into why you should watch.

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