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Added by: RJS
Added on: 6/5/2008 16:42
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    MyReviewer.com - Help for PR Companies

    This article is primarily aimed at PR companies, those jolly nice lasses and lads who are often lumbered with the unenviable task of trying to get us lucky punters interested in some funky new product, all on a budget of twenty pence.

    It also should prove a useful insight to our more regular readers, who are interested in knowing what we like and don't like PR companies doing.

    What sort of things can I post on MyReviewer?

    Consider what may be of interest to our users, and if something you want to promote is, feel free to post a press release as a news item, set up that item for review, add links, images, articles and interviews relating to it.

    We actively encourage you to do so, and will try to help you in any way we can.

    You can of course contact our review team for help, and also if you want someone to review it. Just send an email to the most appropriate of the following addresses and one of them will hopefully get back to sooner rather than later.

    For DVD related items contact: dvd[at]moc.reweiverym
    For Video Game related items contact: semag[at]moc.reweiverym
    For CDs, Books and Films, we hope to have details for soon!

    What sort of things should I NOT post on MyReviewer?

    Whilst we love PR companies adding press releases, product information and articles like interviews to our site, with links on finding out more, clearly adding reviews is a big no-no.

    You might think Attack of the Haberdashery Lemons from Alpha Quagmire may be the ultimate movie release of all time, but that doesn't mean you can post a review saying so. And if you pretend to be a genuine member of the public, and do that, it's even worse.

    We'll probably ban you for such an offence the first time we see it, and you'll no doubt get a lot of flaming from our other visitors, which isn't good for either you or the product you were trying to promote.

    How do I add a product to MyReviewer?

    Got that latest hot new product which you think our readers may be interested in, and want to promote to the internet at large? It's easy, all you need is to Create an Account and activate it, then follow the simple steps below:

    1) Click on the Add Something for Review link, which is on the left side of the page, under Recent Items or Related Items and follow the on-screen instructions to create your product item.

    2) To add an image or multiple images to the press release or reviewable item, click the Add a New Image link on the right side of the item's page, below where it says Attached Images and again follow the on-screen instructions.

    3) You can also click Edit this item on the item's page to select one of the attached images as a Cover Image for it, and also change any spelling mistakes or wrong information on the item. This helps it stand out on the various search and promo pages we have.

    4) Finally, if you want you can look under Other Attachments for this item and click any of the links to add interviews, articles, links to videos on sites like YouTube and so on.

    How do I add a news item or press release to MyReviewer?

    1) Click on the Add a New Article or Blog Entry link, which is on the left side of the page, under Recent Articles or Related Articles, type in some relevant tags, making sure you include "PR" and "News", then either type or copy and paste in your news release or article.

    2) To add an image or multiple images to the press release or reviewable item, click the Add a New Image link on the right side of the item's page, below where it says Attached Images and again follow the on-screen instructions.

    3) Finally, if you want you can look under Other Attachments for this item and click any of the links to add interviews, articles, links to videos on sites like YouTube and so on.

    Your Opinions and Comments

    I can't speak for all the reviewers but, I think in general what we like are:
    - Retail versions of the discs, preferably with all packaging - not essential unless it's a selling point of the DVD package.
    - All discs of a series, not just a single disc with a couple of episodes. This is essential, particularly if you're not familiar with the series.

    What we don't like are:
    - Discs that have to be returned.
    - Discs with burnt-in warnings.
    - DVD-Rs that barely resemble the retail version.
    - Time constraints not being taken into account - few, if any, of us are full-time reviewers and have jobs or other commitments so need enough time to watch the discs and write a review of them.

    It's difficult to recommend a purchase when you haven't seen the finished product.

    Thanks for reading!
    posted by David Beckett on 19/5/2008 13:26