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Page 1 of Wanted: Apple MAC of some sort

Trading Forum

Wanted: Apple MAC of some sort

indian_belters (Competent) posted this on Friday, 20th March 2009, 10:55

looking for a cheap secondhand mac of some sort.
with leopard installed on it.
dont really want to spend too much just looking for something to dump itunes music on really.

RE: Wanted: Apple MAC of some sort

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 20th March 2009, 11:33

Best looking on eBay really, or alternatively have you considered one of the new Mac Mini`s?

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RE: Wanted: Apple MAC of some sort

indian_belters (Competent) posted this on Friday, 20th March 2009, 15:27


yeh will look on ebay but didnt find much when i last had a look, dont really want new as i dont want to spend alot of money
thanks will check ebay out

RE: Wanted: Apple MAC of some sort

UNNR (Elite) posted this on Friday, 20th March 2009, 15:36

I would imagine that even 2nd hand recent models of Mac would be pretty expensive. Although I have never checked on fleabay. Never owned a desktop model but my macbook and macbook pro have never given me any problems. They are good machines annd unlike pcs don`t take an age to startup.

RE: Wanted: Apple MAC of some sort

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 21st March 2009, 13:16

i`d look on fleabay for an eMac (replaced the 3g imacs) i`m sure they can run leopard &the 1.25ghz model should be fairly speedy, if you can find one local & avoid carriage charges, your probably looking at about £50.

hope this helps.

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RE: Wanted: Apple MAC of some sort

indian_belters (Competent) posted this on Monday, 23rd March 2009, 06:24

hi thanks yeh ill have a look just missed out on a couple i was bidding on

RE: Wanted: Apple MAC of some sort

JamieM (Competent) posted this on Monday, 23rd March 2009, 10:04

I`m selling my immaculate 20" iMac on eBay, but I suspect it`s probably out of your price range:


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