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Page 1 of DVD Pacific - absolutely stunning

Retailer Reviews Forum

DVD Pacific - absolutely stunning

mattski (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 6th November 2003, 15:22

Go and check them out as they are amazingly cheap, have a really quick turn around and are the most import friendly retailer that I have ever used. I didn`t think that cdwow could be bettered but these guys have managed it 8)

RE: DVD Pacific - absolutely stunning

PearlJam (Competent) posted this on Friday, 7th November 2003, 08:50

Can you elaborate please. How are they import friendly ?

RE: DVD Pacific - absolutely stunning

scritchie (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 7th November 2003, 09:38

Mattski sounds like a employee !!!

RE: DVD Pacific - absolutely stunning

mattski (Competent) posted this on Friday, 7th November 2003, 10:58

no way mate, just a happy customer 8) . import friendly because they include no packing slip and like a few other retailers mark the package to state it contains $20 of software.

Oh, and I ordered LOTR two towers at 1.30 pm yesterday and I got an email at 4.15 to say that it had shipped. So far they are the best US retailer that I have ever used. Having said that I have yet to have any problems but fingers crossed...

This item was edited on Friday, 7th November 2003, 11:11

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