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thompson widescreen...ratio problems

mullyy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 30th December 2001, 12:23

just bought a thompsons flat screen tv the other day..when i play some dvds...lock stock(16:9 uk)...toystory1(1.7:1uk)...vertical limit(1.85:1us)..they fill the screen and look good,however on some disks...matrix(2.35:1uk)....starwars(2.35:1uk)...teminator2(16:9us)..when i fill the screen there is a black line that is about 1cm high on the right sloping down to about 0.5cm on the matter what zooms i use on these they dont seem to fill the screen!!why lock stock works yet terminator 2 doesnt (same ratios!!)
help please!!!

RE: thompson widescreen...ratio problems

Dolby Freak (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 30th December 2001, 15:25

There is nothing wrong with your TV, this is just how the movie has been filmed, everyone with a Widescreen TV will get the black bars at the top and bottom of the screen when watching a film such as The Matrix, films with an aspect ratio of 1.85:1 or 16:9 which ever you prefer are the films which will use the whole screen of your TV, films with an aspect ratio of 2.35:1 are the films which will have the black bars at the top and bottom, the reason for this is so you get the whole picture and so that no resolution is lost, other examples of this kind of film are....

The Mummy Returns
Rush Hour 2

RE: thompson widescreen...ratio problems

mullyy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 30th December 2001, 17:31

what about the 1cm at one side gonig to 0.5cm on the left ..which is just on the sure my mates old toshiba doesnt do it.when i link my ps2 to my telly theres a gap to the right is this normal as i know it doesnt do it on other widescreen tvs...cheeers if u could help

RE: thompson widescreen...ratio problems

Dolby Freak (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 30th December 2001, 19:26

I seriously dont have a clue, the only time i`ve seen this is when a TV programme originally recorded in 4:3 has been cropped to fit on to a 16:9 Television as that leaves a black space at each side of the picture.

RE: thompson widescreen...ratio problems

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Monday, 31st December 2001, 08:21

As Dolby Feak says, you should have a strip top and bottom - have you? If not, you may have the TV on the wrong aspect ratio.
I`d try and get the tv to display these bars first, to see if the side strip goes away. Have you got your DVD player set to 16:9 for TV type? This should transmit a signal through to the TV via the SCART telling it to display in widescreen (set the TV to auto format, if you have such a setting).

RE: thompson widescreen...ratio problems

mullyy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 31st December 2001, 10:37

cheers ill try that

RE: thompson widescreen...ratio problems

ron vaughan (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 8th January 2002, 09:10

A not uncommon problem perhaps
I have a THOMSON 28WR22U which has the black gap at the bottom of the screen when viewing some DVDs and when watching programmes such as BBC1 news in 4x3 mode - but only a difference of about 1/10th inch in my case so I have not been too concerned as it`s only noticeable now and then. A work Colleague has a SONY which had a gap of over a 1/4 inch and they suggested that it was to do with magnetic field effects.

If you look in your installation manual you`ll see reference to picture rotation in installation personal settings to correct this and obtain a perfect horizontal aligned picture - but this had no noticebale effect or improvement for either me or my colleague !

RE: thompson widescreen...ratio problems

mullyy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 8th January 2002, 09:20

i also tried it....nothing happened!
another thing is when i connect my ps2 no matter what setting its on itleaves an uneven black line around 1 cm down the right hand side..when i link my old n64 it fills the screen no problem!!!
i dont even no if i can take the tv back as northern electric say u only have 7 days to get a full refund..ive had mine for 15 days

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