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Page 1 of Looking for a media player that can accept network streams from a pc :)

Hardware Forum

Looking for a media player that can accept network streams from a pc :)

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 8th August 2006, 20:10

as it says above :) do they exist ? i currently use my trusty & most excellent xbox for watching all my xvids, but i`d like an alternative, preferably something that uses a standard remote controll etc, basicaly, i just want a set top box that has an ethernet port in the back of it & can handle a decent variety of video formats :)

thanks in advance :)

RE: Looking for a media player that can accept network streams from a pc :)

W@yne (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 8th August 2006, 23:06

Something like this you mean ?

RE: Looking for a media player that can accept network streams from a pc :)

Paull (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 9th August 2006, 09:56

Or maybe T-H-I-S

RE: Looking for a media player that can accept network streams from a pc :)

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 14th August 2006, 17:27

sorry about the delay getting back :)

yup, those are the types of things i`m looking for, but preferably a bit cheaper, mainly cos i don`t need a hard disc installed as all my media will be stored on the pc (nearly 1.5tb`s worth)

thanks again :)

RE: Looking for a media player that can accept network streams from a pc :)

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 14th August 2006, 20:27


have a butchers on eBay to see if you can find a Lite-on 2010 (iirc)
it`s a DVD player with wifi & ethernet connections. no hdd either.

you should find one for around the £50 mark.

**edit** the player is the Lite-on LVD 2010 ...unfortunately none on eBay at the mo`

Ste. that gasoline i smell?

This item was edited on Monday, 14th August 2006, 21:31

RE: Looking for a media player that can accept network streams from a pc :)

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 14th August 2006, 21:10

cheers dude, if that works out i can get the whole house sorted at that price :) have you used the machine yourself ?

RE: Looking for a media player that can accept network streams from a pc :)

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 15th August 2006, 06:04

have you used the machine yourself ?

unfortunately not....SWMBO wouldn`t let me get one when i was after
one before christmas :(
i had to settle for a hdd/dvd recorder in the end :D

have a shufty @

for loads on info on the network lite-on model. there appears to be a few who
have difficulty getting the wifi side working, but the wired side of it seems ok.

i`m pretty sure micoman bought one of these a while ago and had problems
setting the wifi side of it up. tbh, there are loads of tut`s available so you
shouldn`t go far wrong.

Ste. that gasoline i smell?

RE: Looking for a media player that can accept network streams from a pc :)

74-Daijiro-74 (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 15th August 2006, 13:04

How about one of these:

Burr Brown DAC should sound pretty sweet

Or one of these:

RE: Looking for a media player that can accept network streams from a pc :)

timechaser (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 15th August 2006, 13:33

The soundbridge sounds utterly heavenly, but is really expensive from what I recall :)


"I am worst at what I do the best, for this gift I feel blessed. I found it hard... it was hard to find. Oh well, Whatever! NEVERMIND"

RE: Looking for a media player that can accept network streams from a pc :)

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 15th August 2006, 14:04

with reference to the two items mentioned, i think Chris is actually after
a media player which will play his movies as well as music.

do either of those offer anything other than music capability?

Ste. that gasoline i smell?

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