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Page 1 of Any mobile phone experts.

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Any mobile phone experts.

shokat (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 31st March 2011, 21:24



My 13 year old son and is friends entered some code they found on the internet, which supposedly unlock new features on his phone.
One of the codes was # * 7 3 3 7 #

This reset the EEPROM and set the IMEI number to all 0`s :o

The phone still worked for about week, but then it started showing NO SERVICE and stopped working. That`s when he told me what had happened.

I managed to get a man at the market to program the IMEI number back in to the phone using his laptop.

I thought that would be it and we would be back up and running but no.

Now it works for an hour or two then goes back to no service, then back to working for a few hours and so on.

Does any one please know how to get this phone working back to normal.


This item was edited on Thursday, 31st March 2011, 22:26

RE: Any mobile phone experts.

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 31st March 2011, 21:49

Sadly your son seems to have fallen fould of the golden rule of the internet: believe and trust nothing. The 7337 code unlocks the phone from a particular network, but you need backup information to carry on the process. A 13-year old following rumours he got on the internet isn`t enough.

You`ll need to contact samsung direct. The IMEI number should be under the battery in the back of the phone. Tell them what`s happened (it won`t be the first time they`ve heard it) and they should be able to talk you through it


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This item was edited on Thursday, 31st March 2011, 22:53

RE: Any mobile phone experts.

shokat (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 31st March 2011, 23:02

I managed to get a man at the market to program the IMEI number back in to the phone using his laptop.
but it still works for an hour or two then goes back to no service, then back to working for a few hours and so on.


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