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Page 1 of Got in a minor fight this evening - infront of my son

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Got in a minor fight this evening - infront of my son

Juls (Elite) posted this on Monday, 24th March 2008, 23:34

Ok long story but here it goes!!
There we were, this evening, at a Scouting for Girls concert happily enjoying the music and singing away when a very drunk woman starts `dancing` behind us. (we had been stood in the spot long enough to have learnt the names of the people next to us so were there well before her!) She knocked into me repeatedly then my son. Could cope with her bumping into us but then she was swinging her arms around and twice smacked my lad in the head..............needless to say I was getting a bit p***ed at her at this point! Kinda moved him over and stood so I could `nudge` her back which I did to ask her to calm it down and move away.................lets just say all hell broke lose!
She was screaming in my face so I sort of swiped her away like a fly (did come in contact with her nose but only gently as I swiped) My lad was quickly moved away by a friend so when she had backed off I brought him back in so he could see the stage she then proceeded to pick up someones drink and throw it down my back - I did very well and didnt even turn around to confront her but heard and felt her calling me a bitch in my this point my arm seemed to fly up to the side of my head and come in contact with something/one. My lad is 13, old enough to understand I was completley provoked but still feel pretty s*** that I actually hit someone infront of him............ :(

This item was edited on Monday, 24th March 2008, 23:36

RE: Got in a minor fight this evening - infront of my son

Stu UK (Elite) posted this on Monday, 24th March 2008, 23:51

Go you woop serves the bitch right and I am sure your son understands you can only take so much :D

mmm chocolate

RE: Got in a minor fight this evening - infront of my son

Ailegs (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 25th March 2008, 00:19

So you let her get away with it for how long before you blew your top....? Why didn`t you mention it to her when she started to be a annoying?
I am sure your son is not fussed or upset by your action, rather the contrary he may say that you could give them a run for their money on Eastenders. ;)

It`s just one of them things, people are more likely to remember her actions of chucking a drink and then swearing at you. Shouldn`t worry about it.

Is that the time? Damn you Xbox 360!!!!

RE: Got in a minor fight this evening - infront of my son

kevingattaca. (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 25th March 2008, 00:25

WOW !??! How weird !?, My sister went to the same show !.... Unfortunately she had an epileptic fit while there !?............ Not only that she got punched by some women dressed in fancy dress ( as a nurse !? )

A most disappointing evening she told me........



RE: Got in a minor fight this evening - infront of my son

Brooky (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 25th March 2008, 01:00

Wow Juls, couldn`t you just avoid her by walking away from her? I remember that happening to my dad at a party but the lady ran into his fist , is what I was told, I was 7 yrs old.

RE: Got in a minor fight this evening - infront of my son

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 25th March 2008, 05:18

dont worry about it and well done ;)

RE: Got in a minor fight this evening - infront of my son

WD423 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 25th March 2008, 07:18


In my eyes you defended your son and then defended yourself. The drunk bitch was 100% wrong. You have done nothing wrong. Chalk it down to life`s experience`s and move on. :)


RE: Got in a minor fight this evening - infront of my son

dvdhouse (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 25th March 2008, 07:50

yep u did the right thing, silly cow i bet she was, but hey thats the day and age we live in now!!!! but good for you and I guess yur son will be fine :)


RE: Got in a minor fight this evening - infront of my son

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 25th March 2008, 08:39

Can`t see the problem.
Your allowed to defend yourself and your child.
I`d be more worried if your son had taken a clout and you`d done nothing about it.

Don`t know your sons character but my lads 12 and I suspect if the same thing happened he`d be embarrassed that his Mum did that for him rather than him protecting his Mum.
It`s that age when they think they`re a lot bigger than they are.


Some days it`s just not worth gnawing through the leather straps.

RE: Got in a minor fight this evening - infront of my son

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 25th March 2008, 09:10

Drink should be banned from concerts.
Really, what`s the point of it, apart from making more money for the venue?
Do you need a drink to enjoy a concert?
No, of course you don`t.
Allowing drink into venues that will inevitably end up packed is just stupid.
You get morons thinking it`s funny to throw it around. >:(
You get p***ed up fools standing on your toes or bumping into you.
You`ll all know I`m not some anti-drink crusader, it just bugs me in certain scenarios. ;)

FWIW, Jules, my friend once chinned a bloke at a Proclaimers` gig.
Identical scenario to yours.
He was repeatedly warned, he kept slamming into the back of my mate.
So he got a slap.


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