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Page 1 of How much can I realistically get away with bringing back from the US?

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How much can I realistically get away with bringing back from the US?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 13th March 2008, 15:49

Want to do a bit of shopping when I`m in Florida next month, and I`m compiling a list of `wants`. But how much can I realistically get away with bringing back?

Suitcase space aside (as I don`t think that`ll be a problem), I`ve got a number of things I`d really like to get, and I`m just a bit wary of customs taking a snoop through my stuff.

I`d like to buy a few PS3 and Wii games, as well as a Macbook, clothes, and some DVDs/BD`s. Plus a couple of family members have `wants` (like a digital camera).

And if they don`t like what I`ve brought back, what then? Will I just have to pay a customs charge?

Cheers m`dears.

"Why should YOU go to jail for a crime someone else noticed?" - Bob Loblaw
DVD Reviewer News Hound

RE: How much can I realistically get away with bringing back from the US?

whoot (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 13th March 2008, 15:51

i have never paid customs charges and i travel a lot for work.. having said that, i have never bought a PS3 back. clothes, games, dvds etc, have all been fine though..
you could maybe consider posting them?
if you mark as a gift you avoid charges dont ya?
you there for work or play?

*why we clap..?">" class="forumImage" />

RE: How much can I realistically get away with bringing back from the US?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 13th March 2008, 15:56


I`m not bringing any consoles back, just games. Games, clothes, DVDs. Oh, and a Macbook. Just worried about going overboard, and then getting accosted by customs really.

"Why should YOU go to jail for a crime someone else noticed?" - Bob Loblaw
DVD Reviewer News Hound

RE: How much can I realistically get away with bringing back from the US?

whoot (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 13th March 2008, 15:58

f*** em,.. they nearly always pull over someone pushing a really, really, really overloaded trolley anyway..
you dont wanna know what my mate bought back from spain in the summer.
needless to say he wouldnt have just been fined.

*why we clap..?">" class="forumImage" />

RE: How much can I realistically get away with bringing back from the US?

NoveltyCondomHead (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 13th March 2008, 16:47

I`ve been travelling back and forth from the States since 1992 - one year I bought back a huge stereo in my hand luggage amongst other things. I`ve never been pulled over by customs once....ever and i`ve really bought a lot of stuff. one year 6 PSPs (i was there the day they came out)!!!

I have some rules for this tho - always take stuff out of their boxes - buying a mac book, buy a nice case and put it in it. In fact I`d also put a few programmes on it - just in case they do stop you and ask you to turn it on. My uncle (who`s a pilot) also suggests that you tell them you`ve already paid duty on it - if it`s out of it`s wrapping and looks a bit used. They won`t check their records, people are generally lazy.

Clothes - wear something boring, pair of chinos and a shirt always works for me, look tired and stand behind a family with children if poss. on the way thru green channel.

As I`ve said, i`ve never been stopped so can`t talk from experience on what to say to them - but my record speaks for itself.

16 years, at least 2 times a year - 32 occasions from the states and not been stopped. BTW none of it`s illegal, just cheaper.

RE: How much can I realistically get away with bringing back from the US?

miikeyblue82 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 13th March 2008, 16:52

Best thing to do with a macbook... take it out of the box and stick it in a laptop bag as hand luggage (and if you`re bothered about the box, post it back home).

Macbook then looks like you`ve had it all along, totally avoid the charges.

Edit: just read above post. Guess I shoulda read it first.

This item was edited on Thursday, 13th March 2008, 16:55

RE: How much can I realistically get away with bringing back from the US?

kevingattaca. (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 13th March 2008, 18:25

Don`t forget to post the receipt and papers relating to the products to your address, rather than custom`s stopping you and finding those things on you ?!


RE: How much can I realistically get away with bringing back from the US?

mbilko (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 13th March 2008, 19:22

Well last year i bought this laptop for $2200 from best buy along with 2 80gb ipods another $700, dvds approx $200 and clothes etc.....didnt get pulled...thats what u need to worry about tbh, just ur luck really :)

RE: How much can I realistically get away with bringing back from the US?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 13th March 2008, 22:31

Did you spread that around a few cases then? Or half in yours, half in a partners case(s)?

Cheers for the tips by the way guys. Really informative!

"Why should YOU go to jail for a crime someone else noticed?" - Bob Loblaw
DVD Reviewer News Hound

RE: How much can I realistically get away with bringing back from the US?

mbilko (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 13th March 2008, 22:47

I was in states for 3 months alone so all in mine and i had a s*** load of bags lol, actually got questioned on way thru green channel till i said id been travelling for so long. One tip i would offer would be to take a UK power supply for the laptop if u can get one, easier to show its not a us model with Uk plug.

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