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Page 1 of cracking third installments

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cracking third installments

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 1st May 2001, 11:35

With Jurassic Park 3 on the way lets compare the successes and flops of the 3rd installment of a trilogy
Die Hard With Avengence
Return Of The Jedi
Indiana Jones Last Crusade
Jaws 3
Scream 3

RE: cracking third installments

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 1st May 2001, 11:44

More failures:

Alien 3
Evil Dead 3 (although only from a horror point of view, from a comedy pov its funny)

RE: cracking third installments

vern (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 1st May 2001, 13:24

Yea but what story line they going to use for JP 3 ? we had `another` island where we made dino`s ?? or will it be like Godzilla and raptors run amock in New York, now that would be fun to watch !!

RE: cracking third installments

Rich Goodman (Admin) posted this on Tuesday, 1st May 2001, 13:41

I believe that the basic story is that it is set on the same island as "The Lost World" (i.e. where the dinos are running free now), someone gets stranded there by accident and has to be rescued. The rescue attempt doesn`t quite go to plan and there`s your film.


RE: cracking third installments

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 1st May 2001, 13:49

ist some rich kid whos plane crashes on the island.

success: back to the future 3

failure: from dusk til dawn (and no. 2 for that matter as well!!!)

This item was edited on Tuesday, 1st May 2001, 13:49

RE: cracking third installments

vern (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 1st May 2001, 16:21

so some kid get`s stranded on the island and they have to rescue him/ her, Predator ring any bells ??? who will head this rescue party, Vinne `Bullet Tooth` Jones ???

...and I guess what the ending will be, for another cliche, they have primed a nuke but little Tommy has gone missing......

RE: cracking third installments

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 1st May 2001, 20:07

Im not too bothered about the plot. I`m more interested in the new dinosaurs(spinosaurus) and effects more than anything. Spielberg is not producing this one but i`m sure however many cliches it has, its gonna be exciting and entertaining. Its set in between The Lost World and Jurassic park so its not a prequel and not a sequel. Kids plane crashes and His rich parents hire Alan Grant to resue him. Laura Dern has a cameo appearance.

RE: cracking third installments

coolcat (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 1st May 2001, 20:13

The most dissapointing 3rd instalment for me was Godfather Part 3, after the first two films, (Godfather part 2 being my favourite sequel incidentally), Coppola seemed to lose his mind in the third one,especially the disastrous casting of his daughter.

RE: cracking third installments

groovedoctor (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 2nd May 2001, 19:42

What about Lethal Weapon 3?
The bad guy was crap and hardly any violence.
Lethal Weapon 2 was the best. (opinion)

RE: cracking third installments

Steve7 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 3rd May 2001, 17:09

Agree about Lethal Weapon 3, but 4 was good (original the best tho).
Thought Return of Jedi was crappy - I`m your father, I`m your sister, Yoda`s your Maiden Aunt......yeah, right.
Best no.3 is without question (although this wasn`t the question) Indian Jones, which, incidentally, decided to suffer the no.3 problem on no.2.

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