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Page 1 of 1966-2003 world cup Champions

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1966-2003 world cup Champions

Paull (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 22nd November 2003, 11:27

Enough said

This item was edited on Saturday, 22nd November 2003, 11:56

RE: 1966-2003 world cup Champions

RWB (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 22nd November 2003, 12:04

RE: 1966-2003 world cup Champions

julianf (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 22nd November 2003, 12:08

What a match!!!

Have to sit down for an hour to get my heart-rate back to normal.


RE: 1966-2003 world cup Champions

mattski (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 22nd November 2003, 12:10

I just feel drained after that. What a game, what a performance, what a result.


RE: 1966-2003 world cup Champions

clayts (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 22nd November 2003, 12:11

Usually finals end up being a bitter disappointment - this one certainly didn`t fall into that category. Tense - yes, mistakes - aplenty, passionate - definitely.

First half was excellent, second half nail-biting, extra time finger-biting until Wilko`s drop kick went over : as soon as he got the ball I knew we`d won it :)

Arise Sir Clive, methinks... :D

DVD Reviewer

Webmaster of Area 450 - independent Sampo DVD site

RE: 1966-2003 world cup Champions

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 22nd November 2003, 12:16

I feel like I played in that game! I was so tense it was scary, although not as scary as my bounding around the room after the final whistle. Just a pity I couldn`t get to a pub for the match (I was barely able to wake up).

A great squad effort (people seem to forget there`s more than Wilkinson on the pitch), and the support staff are to be highly commended.

One thing though - Andre Watson. I know we won, but he was dire. I don`t know if the bloke has ever played in the scrum in his life, but if he has, he`s forgotten everything! That bit of pulling down in the lineout that he missed could have cost us the cup. I think I`m going to send him a diagram with forward and backwards on it, just so he can apply it to Australia`s passing the next time.

Anyway, bitching aside that was the best final of the lot, and the most exciting, nail biting game I`ve seen in years. And we won!!!

RE: 1966-2003 world cup Champions

0A1B2C (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 22nd November 2003, 12:19

Absolutely fantastic!

RE: 1966-2003 world cup Champions

cfgte3 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 22nd November 2003, 13:06

Brilliant, I can`t believe it!

Did you see Mr Howard`s face giving the trophy to Johnson, what a graceless twat.

That aside, a fantastic achievement. ENGLAND WORLD CHAMPIONS!!!! :D :D :D


RE: 1966-2003 world cup Champions

deals (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 22nd November 2003, 13:40

Hang on in here, WORLD? champions.
Rugby WORLD? cup,

All the major countries don`t have an intrest in it.
ASIA, AMERICA, MOST OF EUROPE, what does it mean to them?

I`ve said since the whole so called WORLD? cup started, that it isn`t played throughout
the world therefore it isn`t.

Like football or not, whatever you think is the best game out of the two.
Football will always be the true world sport.

England today might have as well as become the World champions of the egg and spoon race. It means the same to alot of countries.

RE: 1966-2003 world cup Champions

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 22nd November 2003, 13:48

Don`t talk crap. I think you`ll find both America and Japan were at the tournament, and most of Europe isn`t good enough to be there (and yes they do have teams). It`s hardly like the World Series of baseball is it? The game is massive in South Africa, New Zealand and Australia (almost like a religion in fact), and for a relatively small island - of which the national sport is football - to go over there and beat the world champions on their home soil… It`s nothing short of a massive achievement, and to suggest anything less is a disgrace.

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