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Page 1 of War ! Would you fight for your country ? VOTE NOW.......

General Forum


War ! Would you fight for your country ? VOTE NOW.......

Kayenta (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 25th January 2003, 15:09

This will be interesting........

YES or NO ?


a) In what country do YOU live ?

b) What is YOUR country, ?

c) What is YOUR Religion (or origin) ?

Pacifists need not apply.


This item was edited on Saturday, 25th January 2003, 15:10

RE: War ! Would you fight for your country ? VOTE NOW.......

cfgte3 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 25th January 2003, 15:15


a) England
b) England
c) Christian

This item was edited on Sunday, 26th January 2003, 14:15

RE: War ! Would you fight for your country ? VOTE NOW.......

gearbox (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 25th January 2003, 15:41

yes,no problem.Bring one, bring all.
a) English
b) English
c) Christian

This item was edited on Saturday, 25th January 2003, 16:57

RE: War ! Would you fight for your country ? VOTE NOW.......

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 25th January 2003, 15:47


a) england
b) england
c) pagan

This item was edited on Saturday, 25th January 2003, 15:49

RE: War ! Would you fight for your country ? VOTE NOW.......

bous (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 25th January 2003, 15:56

No, I wouldn`t - not this war anyway - its all bloody pointless - my point being that, USA couldn`t pinpoint exactly who flew into the twin towers, Bin Laden was the 1st suspect - but there was never any hard evidence, they couldnt find him, so theyve focused they`re attentions on Iraq - someone needs to be blamed.

a) England
b) England
c) None

RE: War ! Would you fight for your country ? VOTE NOW.......

enemyonpc (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 25th January 2003, 17:42

I support my wife who is disabled, our daughter and my baby son who is due to arrive Thusday coming. If my circumstances were different then i`d be there without a shadow of a doubt.

1) England
2) England
3) Jedi - come on someone had to say it;>) Christian really though


RE: War ! Would you fight for your country ? VOTE NOW.......

clayts (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 25th January 2003, 17:44

I`m probably too old now anyway (35) but my answer is "No". If other countries aren`t supporting it (eg France, China, Russia, Germany) and the US/UK armies go steaming in without UN backing, they are laying themselves open to serious criticism.

For the record a)England b)England c)None

RE: War ! Would you fight for your country ? VOTE NOW.......

Hodge (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 25th January 2003, 17:46

a) England
b) England
c) Buddhism

RE: War ! Would you fight for your country ? VOTE NOW.......

chewie (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 25th January 2003, 17:47

I would if it came to that, but it won`t....

a) Scotland

b) Scotland

c) None, although I would have said Jedi but that bastard beat me to it ;-)

RE: War ! Would you fight for your country ? VOTE NOW.......

Johnboy (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 25th January 2003, 17:57

Nope. Give me a country worth fighting for and I might consider.
a) England
b) England
c) No thanks.


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