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Page 1 of Gamecube.......another knockout punch.

Gaming and Consoles Forum

Gamecube.......another knockout punch.

Snookums (Competent) posted this on Friday, 7th January 2005, 21:59

Happy New Year,Got this news item on MSN today..........the fact that several places are selling it for 40 quid (e.g Argos) ,places like Woolies and Index are getting rid of their stock of games and only 7000 were sold at Crimbo compared to many more X-box and PS2.
I know that Gamecube owners have seen this before .......but can it survive with less and less stores stocking the games?
It`s a shame because after much use of the 3 consoles the Gamecube has become my favourite with less (but higher quality) games than the other 2.
The uncopiable games has been the main culprit IMHO. :/

Pool is the game of the Gods.

This item was edited on Friday, 7th January 2005, 22:00

RE: Gamecube.......another knockout punch.

admars (Elite) posted this on Friday, 7th January 2005, 22:26

There was a statement from a Nintendo guy saying that Argos are still going to stock the console, it`s a temporary promotion. Remember last time they did this as they were going to discontinue it they sold so many that carried on :)

Also XBox fan boy at work saw this story, then saw Res Evil 4 review scores come in, saw that you can get Metroid Prime for about £10 second hand, and is so tempted to get one ;)

A friend of mine came round saw my Donkey Konga bongos, so I put on the game, 2 days later she was the proud owner of the £60 Argos Donkey Konga bundle :)

It`s also worth remembering that although the console is not that popular in UK, that is largely irrelevant as I remember seeing figures for other European countries where Gamecube was more popular than XBox.

In JPN Gamecube is massively more popular than XBox, in USA XBox a bit more popular than GC. Worldwide GC XBox not too dissimilar.

I have no reason to worry. If all companies were gonna finish making GC games after current project, I`d have enough to keep me busy till next round of consoles ;) Still have Zelda Windwaker, Metroid, amongst others to play!

Quality titles like RE4, Jungle Beat, Splinter Cell 3, Killer 7, Zelda etc on the way, no reason to worry at all!

As well as blaming the copy protection being too good, I blame Nintendo for not advertising enough, doing the wrong advertising, they don`t seem to have learned from their N64 mistakes, and for a while I was thinking the Gamecube could be their Dreamcast, i.e. nothing wrong with the format, but rubbish marketing/managerial decisions could lead them to being a software developer only, which may be for the best, would be good for Sony and Microsoft. Was a sensible Sega move, for Sega, and good for me, cos it means I get to play Sega games without having to buy a Sega console ;)

I`m rambling now.

In short Nintendo should make sure ppl realise that games like Soul Calibur, Splinter Cell, Prince of Persia are available on the GC, so they can play the multi format AAA big hitters, as well as the Nintendo AAA exclusives.


This item was edited on Friday, 7th January 2005, 22:36

RE: Gamecube.......another knockout punch.

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 7th January 2005, 22:26

the resident evill games alone are worth owning a cube for :D

general nobody @

RE: Gamecube.......another knockout punch.

Snookums (Competent) posted this on Friday, 7th January 2005, 23:28

Ah....well cheers Admars.......that has cheered me up.......ahhhahaaa :D
I`m looking forward to getting Paper Mario and Pikmin 2.......and Super Monkey Ball 2 and Zelda Four Swords are on order............hurrah..........all hail Gamecube......tee hee.

Pool is the game of the Gods.

RE: Gamecube.......another knockout punch.

cartoonjonah (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 8th January 2005, 15:20

no i do believe that the fact th copy protection was too good was the problem. Just look at the amount of threads on this forum on modding xboxes and PS2s. It just speaks for itself really. If people can play pirate games they will. Admitedly, advertising by Nintendo has, as always been lax. I for one have been very happy with my Gamecube, and would not at all swap it for one of the others.

` i`m gonna fight em off
a seven nation army couldn`t hold me back`

RE: Gamecube.......another knockout punch.

droogy (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 8th January 2005, 19:33

I`ve got a gamecube and a PS2 but I only seem to use the PS2 as a dvd player even tho I have access to over 50 games.
The only console that gets used is the gamecube because the games are a lot more fun and family orientated.

Long live the cube (I hope) :D

RE: Gamecube.......another knockout punch.

buff2k (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 8th January 2005, 20:01

Gonna have to go against the flow and say out of my PS2, PC, gamecube and Dreamcast the `cube is the one that I play the least. Not too sure why, but none of the games I`ve got have held me for very long (super monkey ball being most played on the cube). had a look here and the only game I`m looking forward to is Zelda (and maybe Mario tennis) none of the others really get my juices flowing :/

A.C.C General BUFF2K

RE: Gamecube.......another knockout punch.

RJS (undefined) posted this on Sunday, 9th January 2005, 16:08

I bought my GC for Pikmin (currently playing Pikmin 2), but it would have been worth it for Mario Kart alone. In fact I would say anyone who can afford one of the £40 ones goes and gets it with MK:DD and Pikmin ASAP.

I do agree though that 2005 will be the death of the GC in Europe, but I don`t care. I already have loads of games for it bought for £10-£15 off ebay and in sales, and many yet to get a good go in the cube.

So this will just mean cheaper games again, which is fine by me. :)


"The Green Belt policy is a Labour Policy, and we intend to Build on it"
John Prescott

RE: Gamecube.......another knockout punch.

admars (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 9th January 2005, 18:01

I think 2005 is going to be the end of all consoles. Well not literaly, but I think 2006 will see the new ones come in so I think 2005 will be the last year of AAA on all formats, then there will be the overlap of some games still being release for this gen, while ppl buy into next gen.

Then some games due to come out towards end 2005, may mysteriously vanish and turn out to be 1/2 arsed launch titles of next gen

I agree though, I`m not worried, there`s enough classics this gen I haven`t got yet, which I`ll buy cheap when next gen launches, so by the time I`ve played them, the new consoles will be established so I can make an informed decision what to get :)

Worked this time round, was enjoying playing PSOne games for quite a while into this gen. Was happily playing THPS4 on my PSOne, only bought GC `cos mate was selling his cheap!


This item was edited on Sunday, 9th January 2005, 18:07

RE: Gamecube.......another knockout punch.

Snookums (Competent) posted this on Monday, 10th January 2005, 21:41

I`ve just seen some of the fantastic games coming soon for Gamecube including Advance Wars,Fire Emblem,Resident Evil 4 and Starfox 2.Ceratinly the potential is there for a recovery if the quality titles keep appearing i this quantity.

Pool is the game of the Gods.

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