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DVDs & Films Forum

I know I`m being thick but...

harryasaboy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 4th May 2002, 00:49

I know I`m being thick but where is the competition mentioned on the cover of The Usual Suspects to win a signed script. The cover says "details on disc"...erm...where? Anybody got any ideas?

RE: I know I`m being thick but...

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 4th May 2002, 01:09

It`s on the first disc. You have to go into the special features menu, highlight the second commentary and then press right twice until a picture of the US is highlighted. Press enter and Robert`s your Dad`s brother.

RE: I know I`m being thick but...

harryasaboy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 5th May 2002, 20:16

Cheers Chris.

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