Page 1 of [VIDEO] Michael Moore's Where To Invade Next

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[VIDEO] Michael Moore's Where To Invade Next

admars (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 11th February 2016, 13:49

Michael Moore’s 1st film in 6 years is coming out and he needs our help with #WhereToInvadeNext! Read & Share!

I'm not sure which of his films I've seen, if any, I remember his Tv show years ago, that was good, anyway, he's ask for help promoting his film as he's just going over pneumonia, as it's about to be released!

RE: [VIDEO] Michael Moore's Where To Invade Next

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 11th February 2016, 14:26

admars says...
"he's ask for help promoting his film as he's just going over pneumonia"

Self regarding pillock with his own agenda.


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RE: [VIDEO] Michael Moore's Where To Invade Next

RJS (undefined) posted this on Thursday, 11th February 2016, 14:50

Snaps says...
"Self regarding pillock with his own agenda."

Not a fan huh. :)

Always liked his films, he was the voice of liberal America on TV back when it appeared to have no voice, before John Stewart became that and took it more mainstream.


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