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DVDs & Films Forum

evolution which region

herbert west (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 24th November 2001, 10:57

i`m thinking of buying EVOLUTION but would like to know what region disc is the better one.

RE: evolution which region

not sure (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 24th November 2001, 16:24

i just got R2 today and there isn`t much as extras making of and 2 trails are the main ones, no deleted scene, special FX or stuff like that (even though some sites said there are)

So if you can wait, go for R1 (i only bought as it was a special offer (now ended) for £14.50

RE: evolution which region

Bomber182 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 24th November 2001, 20:15

is the film any good, whats it about?

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