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DVDs & Films Forum

Oh Disney, where art thou`?

UNBREAKABLE (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 7th July 2001, 22:04

Can anyone tell me if the first lot of Disney dvds that came out are now deleted?

l mean the older classics titles like Lady & the Tramp, Jungle Book, Pinocchio, and even the 1st Little Mermaid? l haven`t seen these titles around, and l notice one or two ( websites dont supply them.

l know there are some to be re-released, but l understand this will be done VERY slowly over 10 years!

Anyone know anything on these and other titles on any region??

RE: Oh Disney, where art thou`?

cw2000 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 8th July 2001, 14:45

When Disney started releasing some of their old classics on dvd they decided to try out the old limited release period system that they had done for VHS so they deleted the titles after a short period of time. But with dvd the consumers didn`t like it and disney seem to have stopped that idea now.

10 of their classics they are going to be releasing as very special editions and fully remastered, one title a year over the next 10 years starting with Snow White this year and Bueaty and the Beast next year.

It`s being done slowly as it is very expensive to fully remaster movies and prepare all the extras that they intend to use (don`t forget they have a lot of other films etc being released at the same time)

They should be worldwide releases

RE: Oh Disney, where art thou`?

peter parker (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 8th July 2001, 17:39

Are you kidding?????

very busy?????

can only do one a year????

have you ever been to disneyland and gone on those behind the scenes gigs, trust me these guys know how to market and the whole argument of (it takes time) just dont cut it.

they simply know that releasing one a year will keep people gagging for the next one, maybe with dreamworks giving them a run for there money they might pull out there finger and give us what we want know.....


RE: Oh Disney, where art thou`?

chalky (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 8th July 2001, 20:09

If you can play R4 disks try . they have a few disney discs cheap in there sale (I played £17 for 2 disney films includeing postage)

This item was edited on Sunday, 8th July 2001, 20:12

RE: Oh Disney, where art thou`?

UNBREAKABLE (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 8th July 2001, 22:54

lts just that l have noticed that titles like Peter Pan, Little Mermaid and Jungle Book are now noted as UNAVALIBLE on many web sites both in the UK and abroad. The Disney website also says the same. l`m guessing they are now deleted but l was just wondering if they could still be bought in your local stores, etc.

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