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Page 1 of Stardvds - Have yours arrived???

Bargain Buckets Forum

Stardvds - Have yours arrived???

Steve7 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 10th May 2001, 11:25

Ordered `What Women Want` last week with the hope of it arriving for Saturday so I can watch the Cup Final in peace and my girlfriend won`t moan `cos I`ve got her `WWW`.
Please don`t tell me I gonna have to watch the match whilst being constantly nagged. PLEASE!!!!!

RE: Stardvds - Have yours arrived???

timp (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 10th May 2001, 13:17

They sent me a mail saying all there stock was still in the states/canada and first orders would take two weeks.

RE: Stardvds - Have yours arrived???

Steve7 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 10th May 2001, 13:52

When did you receive this e-mail?

RE: Stardvds - Have yours arrived???

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 10th May 2001, 16:17

Have a look at the end of the other Star DVD thread...I posted up a reply I received from them this afternoon making some sort of explanation about the delays. At least we`re not being ignored I suppose.

RE: Stardvds - Have yours arrived???

timp (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 12th May 2001, 23:46

The day they opened, I had a few items reserved from the special prices they offered to the dvd forums. Did`t order them though due to the wait, I thought I`d see what the general opinion was of their service first.

RE: Stardvds - Have yours arrived???

timp (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 12th May 2001, 23:59

Found one of the mails:

Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 2:07 AM
Subject: StarDVDs Site Now Open

Well it took 24 hours longer than we planned, and as always there are some
things still not up that we will add over the next day or so, but the vast
majority is working and most importantly we can take orders :)

All our opening offers are up on the site with the May Only Price tag. Doing
a search for May Only should bring up all the titles except Superman which
is £12.99 as standard. There are 600 titles in the R1 database, alot of
titles ready for pre order and some hardware and accesories up, so browse
and have fun.

All the stock of our opening offers are still in the US, you can`t bring
2000 DVDs into the country without raisning suspicions and we didn`t want to
be closed down before got started. I know alot of you are probably itching
to get hold of Spartacus and Superman etc as they are already released, but
we should be able to get them to you within a week. I believe honesty is the
best policy and would rather you know the stock situation than not.

Happy Shopping.

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