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Page 1 of Bowlers in Manchester ?

Bargain Buckets Forum

Bowlers in Manchester ?

stecool (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 10th April 2001, 20:28

Does anybody know if there are any cheap DVDs on sale there if so what
days and times in fact what does go on there is it a car boot sale.

RE: Bowlers in Manchester ?

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th April 2001, 00:25

the computer fair is on there most saturdays. the main fair `inside` is around £4 entry where you can pick up computer parts very cheap. also you can get R1 dvds but are around £20 and also pirates (which look convincing) for around a tenner, the quality of which is pretty good. although id rather pay a few quid more for originals.
then `outside` theres all the bootleg stuff. whether youre after the latest dreamcast and ps games, mp3s, or vcds of the latest theatrical releases its all there. i tend to go along to get dreamcast games as its 3 for a tenner!!!
id recommend getting there for around 10am though as around 11am it gets f*****g hammered!

RE: Bowlers in Manchester ?

stecool (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 11th April 2001, 19:11

cheers elephant stone

RE: Bowlers in Manchester ?

bear (Elite) posted this on Friday, 13th April 2001, 15:36

There was a programme about this place on radio 4 last week, it told you about the pirates who operate outside! did you know that have to pay a protection racket a 100 quid just for having their stall outside.

Prices are f****g cheap though!

PROG was called "counterfit britain".

This item was edited on Friday, 13th April 2001, 15:40

RE: Bowlers in Manchester ?

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 14th April 2001, 00:23

bowlers is f*****g great!!! ive had a couple of pirate vcds from there which are pretty good quality although i cant be aresed with them now as id rather go to the cinema or wait for the dvd. video games are another matter though. as a dreamcast owner this place is a dream (pardon the pun!) as they have every new release to buy. the same day the games out in japan these guys have them on pirate. i must have around 50 dc games!!!!! its the same for ps, ps2 and pc games too! what is funny is when the police come and shift them all they all re-appear half an hour later as if nothings happened. the impression i got is that the old bill even know some of theses guys in person!!!

RE: Bowlers in Manchester ?

JohnnyM (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 15th April 2001, 00:59

Don`t wanna sound dumb - I live in manchester and would love to know where this `bowlers` market type thing is.....

Sounds like a top place!


RE: Bowlers in Manchester ?

lips (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 15th April 2001, 13:14

Hi john, go to bowlers and sell dvd`s from £10.Go to there site send them mail and ask for the full address,it`s to far for me but I`ve got fair`s in London to get cheap Dvd`s from.

Hope this help`s.

RE: Bowlers in Manchester ?

MosherAndy (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 15th April 2001, 14:40

Here is the address m8:

Bowlers Exhibition Centre
Longbridge Road
Trafford Park
M17 1SN

Don`t forget the stuff is cheap, but you have to add on the admission fee which is £4.

RE: Bowlers in Manchester ?

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Monday, 16th April 2001, 21:06

its just off the rounabout at the trafford park end of the parkway dual carriage way that runs along side the trafford centre (not the main entrance/ jjb soccer dome end).

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